
Whoa . . .

I'm super crushed this week! What with preparing for NOLA, I've decided to put a "pause" on My Sleep Debt. Doesn't mean I wont work on it, but it does mean I won't be setting unrealistic goals for myself. I can't imagine the pause being lifted until I get back from vacation, the last week of March/ first of April. I think my tentative end date is going to be May 28th. 10 weeks from when I get back. If I have thirty thousand words by the time I leave (I'm currently at 23,500, meaning I just need 6,500 more in the next ten days), I would only have to do 5,000 a week, or 1,000 a day, to meet that goal.

Through April and May I hope I can get some more editing done of Still Tower, (finish second draft, if possible). I'll take June "off" before starting A Stray Light From Tomorrow, my time travel novel.

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